2025 Pool Opening Packages Include Chemicals!!
Schedule Your Opening Before May 17th & SAVE!

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Openings:  DeluxeStandardBasic – Important Notes

Our trained service teams for Frederick and Washington counties are directed by Bryan Berzinski and Eric Bowman, who are certified service technicians by the Association of Pool and Spa Professionals. Plus, take advantage of our early bird booking program and save.

Deluxe Pool Opening – Complete Pool Opening
2 Visits – $750 including chemicals* – After May 17:  $890

(Click here to complete online form)
First visit:

remove & fold winter cover, put in storage bag & leave on deck to dry unless noted with order
– activate pump & filter equipment
add necessary chemicals to balance water chemistry & begin clearing pool brushing, vacuuming & leaf removal start heater & test fire only
– if cleaning required, customer will be notified & additional charges will apply
– install deck equipment
– install strainer baskets & return eyeballs
– notation of any repairs

Second visit:

– vacuum & brush pool if needed
– recheck water chemistry
– backwash filter if needed
– inspect equipment
– brush off pool deck

*Chemicals not included are sanitizers & salt.
Bold items: Only PPP includes these services with opening – all others charge extra.

Standard Pool Opening
1 Visit – $575 including chemicals*  – After May 17:  $675

(Click here to complete online form)

remove & fold winter cover, put in storage bag & left on pool deck to dry unless noted with order
– activate pump & filter equipment
add necessary chemicals to balance water chemistry & begin clearing pool brushing, vacuuming & leaf removal start heater
– install deck equipment
– notation of any repairs

No second visit, regardless of water condition.
*Chemicals not included are sanitizers & salt.
Bold items: Only PPP includes these services with opening – all others charge extra.

Basic Pool Opening
1 Visit – $450 including chemicals*  – After May 17:  $540

(Click here to complete online form)

remove & fold winter cover, put in storage bag & left on pool deck to dry unless noted with order
– activate pump and filter equipment
add necessary chemicals to balance water chemistry & begin clearing pool
– skim debris from top of pool
– brush pool
– notation of any repairs

No vacuuming.
No leaf removal from bottom of pool.
No installation of ladders or rails.
No heater start up.
No Desjoyaux pools.
No second visit, regardless of water condition.
*Chemicals not included are sanitizers & salt.
Bold items: Only PPP includes these services with opening – all others charge extra.


Payment: 50% deposit required with opening contract via credit card, check or cash. A valid credit card (MC/Visa/Discover/AmEx) and a signed authorization to charge your credit card for work and chemicals must be on file for all customers. Your credit card will be charged the day service is completed.  You will not be invoiced, however, you will receive a copy of payment via email if provided.

1. To ensure our best possible service to you, we will only use chemicals that are provided by or purchased from PPP.
2. Make sure overflows are plugged and Desjoyaux valves closed prior to filling pool.
3. Water level must be in middle of skimmer or higher before opening (top of skimmer for MESH covers).
4. Please note any locked gates or animal issues on the contract.
5. Additional charge of $50 may apply if return visit is necessary for either item above.
6. Solid covers must be pumped dry and debris removed prior to opening (additional charges will apply).
7. Must have a working garden hose, water turned on and electrical outlet available.
8. We assume NO responsibility for tearing of covers due to winter damage, age, or normal cover removal.
9. All return eyes, plugs, gauges, baskets, chemicals, etc. must be left out OR you will be charged for new ones.
10. Repairs noted will have to be scheduled for another day.
11. There will be an additional charge of $35 for removal of dead animals from pool.
12. If you have a DE filter, leave out DE powder. DE is not part of our opening chemical package.